Usia: 35 tahun, Tinggi: 180cm, Berat: 80kg
Point Blank Game Online Indonesia dari Gemscool
Pada usia 17 tahun dia melakukan imigrasi ke United States bersama dengan seluruh keluarganya. Karena merupakan keturunan Asia dia selalu diganggu oleh teman sekolahnya. Setelah lulus dari universitas pada 22 tahun dia langsung mendaftar untuk menjadi U.S Army.
Pada usia 24 tahun dia sudah menjadi anggota dari Green beret special force. Dia kemudian mendapatkan pangkat Sergeant pada usia 33 tahun. Setelah itu, dia kembali ke tempat kelahirannya untuk menikmati hidup. Tidak lama kemudian terdengar kabar bahwa pemerintah pusat ingin merekrut semua prajurit yang handal untuk membentuk team melawan para terroris yang semakin merajalela.
Team tersebut dinamakan Ct-FORCE. Green beret mendapatkan perintah untuk mencari seseorang yang mempunyai kemampuan yang tinggi untuk bergabung dengan CT-FORCE melawan teroris. Pada saat bergabung dengan CT-FORCE dia mendapatkan Panggilan “Leopard”.
Point Blank: Game Online FPS
Bagi gamer penggemar game FPS (First Person Shooter), tentunya sudah tahu game yang satu ini. Point Blank namanya, yang pola permainannya merupakan pengembangan dari game Counter Strike. Game ini akan open beta 18 Juni ini.
Apa persamaan dan perbedakan game ini dengan Counter Strike?
Gambaran umum pola permainan game ini mirip dengan Counter Strike yang juga memiliki 2 kubu yaitu CT Force (Counter Terorist) dan Free Rebels (Terorist). Game ini juga mempunyai sistem Clan, pola permainan Team Death Match (seperti pada game Quake, bisa 3 vs 3, 5 vs 5), Explosion Mission (misi kerja sama tim untuk memasang bom dan meledakannya), dan Destruction Mission (misi menghancurkan markas musuh).
Uniknya game ini memiliki senjata yang bisa di-upgrade dan dimodifikasi sedemikian rupa. Selain itu tersedia juga aksesoris tambahan senjata yang bisa digunakan untuk memudahkan pertempuran. Semua item tersebut akan tersedia dan bisa dibeli di fitur item mall game.
Game terbaru dari Kreon ini juga akan mengusung konsep Avatar juga, dimana pemain dapat memodifikasi karakternya sesuai dengan keinginan mereka, seperti layaknya game Gunbound, Pangya, Ayodance, Idol Street dan GetAmped.
Bagaimana dengan grafik dari Point Blank?
Grafik dari Point Blank tentunya akan jauh lebih bagus dan realistik dibandingkan dengan game Counter Strike yang sudah cukup uzur karena sudah berumur lebih dari 8 tahun. Grafik game ini bahkan sedikit lebih baik dari Counter Strike Condition Zero & Counter Strike Source.
Grafik game Point Blank hampir setara dengan Counter Strike Online yang dikembangkan oleh Nexon dibawah pengawasan Valve untuk pangsa pasar Asia. Point Blank sendiri dikembangkan oleh NCSoft yang sudah terkenal dengan perusahaan penghasil game berkualitas dengan grafik spetakuler seperti Lineage 2, jadinya grafik game ini juga tidak akan mengecewakan.
Game ini baru selesai masa close beta di Indonesia pada 14 Juni lalu. Ada sekitar 10 - 20 map yang bisa dicoba awalnya. Kemungkinan Point Blank akan bisa sukses karena mengusung tema yang belum ada saat ini, dan juga pastinya harus dikelola dengan baik. Jangan seperti game 'Vital Sign' yang merupakan game FPS Online pertama di Indonesia yang gagal total
Point Blank – Game Online Indonesia dari Gemscool
Point blank merupakan genre FPS (First Person Shooter) Game online Indonesia persembahan dari Gemscool yang terkenal. Di sini kita dapat berperang dengan seluruh orang di Indonesia, mengumpulkan experience dan naik level.
Mode game yang variatif dan unik
Mode permainan Point Blank sudah tidak asing bagi kita, ada Bomb Mission, Death Match, Annihilation dan yang unik, Destroy Mission.
Grafis di Point Blank seperti real, mendekati kenyataan, membuat diri kita merasa tertelan di medan perang yang sebenarnya.
Peta destruktif, manfaatkan demi keuntungan perang
Efek fisik untuk beberapa objek pun bisa dimanfaatkan sebagai keuntungan perang seperti kaca pecah, damage akibat ledakan dan lain sebagainya.
Sistem tunggu room di PB unik, kita tidak perlu menunggu sampai semua slot terisi, asalkan lawan READY, maka permainan bisa berjalan. User lain yang mau gabung bisa langsung join kapan saja.
Lawan A.I.
Belum cukup “kuat” buat tanding sama teman? Tenang, disediakan akses latihan melawan AI. Tingkat kesulitan di mode ini akan beradaptasi dengan kemampuan pemainnya.
Semua senjata yang kita pakai nanti akan selalu unik, karena senjata akan tersedia versi extended-nya. Jadi senjata bisa sama, tapi “taste”-nya beda.
Helmet Protection
Demi menunjang realitas perang, fungsi Helm memengaruhi keamanan. Ditentukan probabilitas, ada satu kondisi di mana kita tidak langsung mati karena “Head Shot,” karena dilindungi Helm.
Ketika join ke klan, darimana kita mengukur kemampuan? Di sini, system pemeringkatan bisa diketahui. Nama kita akan tersimpan di database, sehingga siapa pun yang berhadapan dengan kita, bisa “jiper” duluan.
Misi yang selalu menarik
PB mengenal misi yang “diselipkan” di setiap ronde permainan. System ini akan memberi keuntungan pribadi untuk kita.
Terbentuknya Free Rebels
Point Blank Game Online Indonesia dari Gemscool
Semakin bertambahnya imigran yang tidak mendapatkan pekerjaan dan terusir dari masyarakat, sehingga untuk bertahan hidup para imigran kemudian melakukan berbagai macam tindak kriminal dari perampokan hingga pengedaran obat-obatan terlarang. Aksi kriminal ini berkembang menjadi gerakan yang teroganisir hingga terbentuk organisasi yang dinamakan Free Rebels. Tujuannya tidak lain untuk menguasai seluruh perdagangan obat terlarang dan senjata di seluruh dunia serta menciptakan rasa takut bagi masyarakat.
Terbentuknya CT-FORCE
Point Blank Game Online Indonesia dari Gemscool
Akibat konflik dengan imigran yang semakin meluas, pemerintah memutuskan dibentuk suatu organisasi khusus untuk menghadapi para teroris. Sejak dibentuknya organisasi ini, mereka mulai mencari informasi dan keberadaan dari organisasi teroris yang dinamakan Free Rebels. Sejalan dengan meningkatnya ancaman teroris tersebut, pemerintah kemudian mengirimkan bantuan pasukan terbaik yang pernah ada di pemerintahan yang kemudian datang dan bergabung serta berganti nama menjadi CT-FORCE (Counter Terrorist Force).
Point Blank Game Online Indonesia dari Gemscool
Point Blank Game Online Indonesia dari Gemscool Point Blank Game Online Indonesia dari GemscoolPoint Blank Game Online Indonesia dari Gemscool
Point Blank Game Online Indonesia dari Gemscool
* Dalam death match mode, habisi semua musuh yang terlihat.
* Jangan ragu-ragu untuk mencari dan menunjukan kemampuanmu
dalam membunuh musuh untuk memastikan kemenangan.
* Mengetahui karakteristik dari tiap map dan strategi yang baik sangat berguna untuk memenangkan suatu pertempuran.
* Jika kamu terbunuh oleh musuh jangan khawatir. Pada saat respawn kamu akan kebal dari segala jenis serangan untuk beberapa saat.
Point Blank Game Online Indonesia dari Gemscool
Point Blank Game Online Indonesia dari Gemscool Point Blank Game Online Indonesia dari GemscoolPoint Blank Game Online Indonesia dari Gemscool
Point Blank Game Online Indonesia dari Gemscool
* Tujuan utama dari Bomb Mission adalah untuk meledakkan area tertentu.
* Pertahanan yang terbaik adalah menghabisi semua musuh atau defuse bomb yang telah dipasang.
* Bomb Mission menggunakan format ronde. Jika kamu terbunuh
dalam permainan maka kamu tidak akan respawn sampai ronde berikutnya. Cobalah untuk mengatur strategi yang akan digunakan untuk ronde berikutnya.
* Saat ini, yang kamu butuhkan adalah strategi yang tepat dan TEAM WORK yang baik!
Point Blank Game Online Indonesia dari Gemscool
Point Blank Game Online Indonesia dari Gemscool Point Blank Game Online Indonesia dari GemscoolPoint Blank Game Online Indonesia dari Gemscool
Point Blank Game Online Indonesia dari Gemscool
* Tujuan mission ini adalah untuk menghancukan objek dari masing-masing team.
* Mirip dengan bomb mission, pertempuran ini menggunakan format ronde. Tentukan strategi yang cocok sesuai dengan TEAMWORK !
* Tujuan mission ini adalah untuk menghancurkan objek dari masing-masing team. Semakin banyak damage yang diterima musuhmu akan semakin agresif juga pergerakan dari musuhmu.
* Jika kamu terbunuh dalam pertempuran ini maka kamu akan langsung respawn dan dapat melanjutkan pertempuran kembali.
Point Blank Game Online Indonesia dari Gemscool
Point Blank Game Online Indonesia dari Gemscool Point Blank Game Online Indonesia dari GemscoolPoint Blank Game Online Indonesia dari Gemscool
Point Blank Game Online Indonesia dari Gemscool
* Satu-satunya cara untuk menang adalah dengan menghabisi semua musuh. Pertempuran ini mempunyai format ronde.
* Untuk memenangkan ronde kamu harus membunuh semua musuh.
Jika kamu terbunuh kamu akan respawn pada ronde berikutnya.
* Team yang telah mencapai total ronde yang ditentukan akan menjadi pemenangnya.
* Jika kamu membunuh lebih dari 3 orang (dalam mode 8 vs 8, lebih dari 5 orang) dalam 1 ronde, maka akan mendapatkan bonus Exp.
* Pertempuran ini dapat menggunakan map 4 vs 4 . Rasakan sensasi baru dalam membunuh semua musuh pada map itu.
Point Blank Game Online Indonesia dari Gemscool
Point Blank Game Online Indonesia dari Gemscool Point Blank Game Online Indonesia dari GemscoolPoint Blank Game Online Indonesia dari Gemscool
Point Blank Game Online Indonesia dari Gemscool
* Penggolongan A.I (Artificial Intelligence) untuk latihan terbagi menjadi 10 tahap.
* 4 orang dapat berpartisipasi dalam training, jumlah maksimum A.I dalam training adalah 8.
* Dalam training kamu dapat meningkatkan kemampuanmu dengan
melawan A.I,
* Dalam training Kill/Death tidak akan dimasukkan ke dalam Kill/Death ratio, silahkan menikmati training tanpa beban.
* Kamu akan mendapatkan score yang lebih besar jika tingkat kesulitan makin tinggi.
* Dengan latihan yang teratur kamu dapat meningkatkan kemampuanmu sebelum terjun ke pertempuran yang sesungguhnya!!!
Usia: 35 tahun, Tinggi: 180cm, Berat: 80kg
Point Blank Game Online Indonesia dari Gemscool
Pada usia 17 tahun dia melakukan imigrasi ke United States bersama dengan seluruh keluarganya. Karena merupakan keturunan Asia dia selalu diganggu oleh teman sekolahnya. Setelah lulus dari universitas pada 22 tahun dia langsung mendaftar untuk menjadi U.S Army.
Pada usia 24 tahun dia sudah menjadi anggota dari Green beret special force. Dia kemudian mendapatkan pangkat Sergeant pada usia 33 tahun. Setelah itu, dia kembali ke tempat kelahirannya untuk menikmati hidup. Tidak lama kemudian terdengar kabar bahwa pemerintah pusat ingin merekrut semua prajurit yang handal untuk membentuk team melawan para terroris yang semakin merajalela.
Team tersebut dinamakan Ct-FORCE. Green beret mendapatkan perintah untuk mencari seseorang yang mempunyai kemampuan yang tinggi untuk bergabung dengan CT-FORCE melawan teroris. Pada saat bergabung dengan CT-FORCE dia mendapatkan Panggilan “Leopard”.
Acid Pool (Paul)
Usia: 25 tahun, Tinggi: 179cm, Berat: 75kg
Point Blank Game Online Indonesia dari Gemscool
Lulus sebagai polisi terbaik dari University of Elite Police dan mempunyai pembawaan yang cool. Akan tetapi karena gaya bicaranya yang lucu maka dia diberikan nickname “Acid Pool” oleh teman-temannya.
Setelah lulus dia kemudian mendaftar untuk menjadi polisi. Karena mempunyai kemampuan yang tinggi dan selalu memiliki taktik yang baik, dia kemudian ditugaskan untuk bergabung dengan CT-FORCE.
Untuk membuktikan loyalitas dan kepercayaanya kepada pemerintah, dia siap untuk melawan Free Rebels yang semakin merajalela.
Usia: 28 tahun, Tinggi: 177cm, Berat: 55kg
Point Blank Game Online Indonesia dari Gemscool
Dia lahir di Inggris, kedua orangtuanya merupakan mantan prajurit di Tokyo. Pada usia 19 tahun dia mendaftarkan diri untuk menjadi infantry pada British Army. Menginjak usia 22 tahun dia menjadi prajurit yang paling terkenal di British Army karena memiliki taktikal support dan kemampuan yang tinggi.
Di usia 26 tahun dia mendapatkan pertempuran yang keras, sehingga menimbulkan luka pada wajahnya. Karena kemampuan dan pengalamannya CT-FORCE tertarik untuk merekrut dirinya.
Karena berasal dari negara asing dia diberikan nickname “Hide”. Akan tetapi karena sifatnya yang penyendiri dia kurang dapat bergaul dengan sesamanya dalam CT-FORCE
Dengan potongan rambut yang pendek dan hitam serta bekas luka pada wajahnya, membuat dia terlihat sangat dingin.
Keen Eyes (Ayse)
Usia: 26 tahun, Tinggi: 178cm, Berat: 53kg
Point Blank Game Online Indonesia dari Gemscool
Merupakan keturunan campuran antara penduduk asli dan pendatang. Dia mempunyai kemampuan yang tinggi dan merupakan salah satu pimpinan dari kepolisian.
Karena alasan ini CT-FORCE berniat untuk mengajaknya bergabung.
Karena merupakan keturunan campuran dan memiliki mata yang tajam maka teman-temannya menjulukinya “Keen Eyes”. Merupakan satu-satunya keturunan campuran di kepolisian.
Usia – 29 tahun, Tinggi – 180cm, Berat – 78kg
Point Blank Game Online Indonesia dari Gemscool
Kedua orang tuanya berasal dari Timur Tengah dan Asia. Meskipun campuran dia memiliki fisik yang baik. Pada usia 20 tahun dia telah menjadi Lieutenant dan telah melakukan banyak misi khusus. Pada usia 25 tahun dia telah menjadi Team leader. Dia terkenal karena tidak pernah meninggalkan jejak di setiap pertempuran. Di usia 26 tahun dia telah menjadi seorang Army Ranger. Tidak lama setelah itu dia mendapatkan suatu tugas rahasia dari pemerintah. Akan tetapi karena ada kesalahan informasi dari pemerintah, seluruh anggota teamnya terbunuh. Pemerintah melimpahkan semua kesalahan kepada dirinya atas kejadian itu. Tidak terima perlakuan pemerintah, dia kemudian memberontak dan bergabung dengan Free Rebels. Untuk mengenang dan menghormati teman-temannya yang telah terbunuh di medan perang dia kemudian menamai dirinya Desert Fox, yang kemudian disingkat menjadi �D-Fox�. Pada suatu misi dia tidak sempat untuk melarikan diri sebelum bomb yang dipasang meledak, sehingga tanganya terluka. Oleh karena itu dia selalu menggunakan sarung tangan.
Red Bulls
Usia – 32 tahun, Tinggi – 182cm, Berat – 85kg
Point Blank Game Online Indonesia dari Gemscool
Karena hanya seorang imigran dia tinggal di desa kecil bersama orang tuanya.dan imigran lainnya. Dia juga merupakan pemain bola yang hebat. Sesaat setelah menerima gelar MVP pada kejuaraan sepakbola, dia mendengar kabar bahwa kedua orangtuanya terbunuh pada saat mempertahankan desa mereka dari pemerintah yang ingin menghancurkan desa tersebut. Dia segera pulang ke desanya, akan tetapi dia hanya menemukan desanya yang telah hancur lebur. Hatinya penuh dengan amarah dan kebencian kepada pemerintah. Kemudian dia bergabung dengan Free Rebels untuk membalaskan kematian orang tuanya. Memiliki fisik seorang pemain bola dan mempunyai mata yang tajam seperti banteng membuat teman-temannya di Free Rebels memanggilnya �Red Bulls�
Usia – 24 tahun, Tinggi – 179cm, Berat – 56kg
Point Blank Game Online Indonesia dari Gemscool
Dia terlahir di keluarga imigran. Kehilangan kedua orang tuanya pada waktu kecil karena kecelakaan, kemudian diadopsi oleh keluarga lain. Hari demi hari dilalui di keluarga barunya. Akan tetapi sifat rasis dari ayah angkatnya semakin lama semakin besar dan memperlakukan dirinya secara kasar. Suatu hari dia menemukan revolver di lemari, kemudian dia mengambil revolver itu dan menembakkanya ke dada ayah angkatnya. Akibat insiden ini dia dimasukkan ke dalam penjara. Dalam penjara dia sering dipanggil dengan sebutan �Tarantula�. Setelah beberap tahun dia bebas dari penjara.Kemudian dia mendengar kabar bahwa para imigran selalu mendapatkan diskriminasi, hal ini membuatnya sangat marah. Kemudian dia memustuskan untuk bergabung dengan Free Rebels.
Viper Red
Usia – 26 tahun, Tinggi – 178cm, Berat – 58kg
Point Blank Game Online Indonesia dari Gemscool
Dia mengikuti jejak ayah angkatnya yang berasal dari Perancis untuk menjadi seorang bodyguard. Kemampuan bertarung dan daya tahan tubuhnya telah ditempa dengan baik dari waktu kecil. Dia diadopsi oleh seseorang dari negara lain 25 tahun yang lalu, karena ibunya akan menjalankan suatu misi rahasia. Sekarang dia berusaha untuk mencari dan menemui ibunya kembali. Dia kemudian mendapatkan kabar bahwa ibunya adalah seorang Free Rebels dan telah terbunuh oleh pemerintah pada saat pertempuran demi melindungi imigran dari Amerika Latin. Mendengar itu dia kemudian memutuskan untuk bergabung dengan Free Rebels untuk membantu para imigran yang tertindas dan membalaskan dendam ibunya. Tidak seperti wanita yang lainnya. Dia mempunya kecepatan yang tinggi dan kekuatan yang besar. Dia juga ahli dalam menyusun taktik dan selalu bergerak licin seperti ular pada saat di medan pertempuran. Dia tidak menyukai sinar matahari dan selalu menggunakan kacamata hitam.
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Uchiha and Sharingan Information
Symbol The Uchiha clan were one of the founding noble families of Leaf village. The clan itself is said to be descended from the Hyuuga clan who possess the bloodline of the Byakugan eye. Because their clan possessed the Sharingan or "Wheel Eye," the Uchiha excelled at being able to read and fend off attackers. This made them prime candidates to help found the Konoha Military Police Corps. The organization itself would go on to incorporate the Uchiha fan symbol into their official logo.
Select few members of the Uchiha clan possess the ability to activate the bloodline Sharingan eye. This doujutsu (eye skill) gives one the ability to read Genjutsu, Taijutsu and Ninjutsu and then defeat it. As such, the clan member can view a technique being performed and see the tricks and movements required to be able to complete it. However the clan member can not copy techniques which are unique to another bloodline. It also gives one the ability to cast jutsu techniques only possible by possessing the eye.
The clan itself is known for their ties to fire. For a clan ninja to be seen as an adult, they must be able to utilize a Katon (Fire Element) jutsu such as Goukakyuu no Jutsu. Thus is the tie between the manipulation of fire and the mind of an Uchiha member. Uchiha Sasuke
Sharingan Eye Variations
Normal Uchiha Clan Member Eye
The normal eye for an Uchiha clan member resembles any normal human eye with iris, pupil and sclera.
Sharingan partially activated - One Comma
This is the first variation of a partially developed Sharingan eye. The clan members pupil will turn red and develop one of the wheel swirls. When Uchiha Sasuke finally activated his Sharingan, his left eye took this form.
Sharingan partially activated - Two Comma
This is the second variation of a partially developed Sharingan eye. The clan members pupil will turn red and develop two of the wheel swirls. When Uchiha Sasuke finally activated his Sharingan, his right eye took this form.
Sharingan fully activated - Three Comma
This is the final normal form of the Sharingan eye. The clan members pupil will turn red and develop three of the wheel swirls in both eyes. In this form the clan member can read Genjutsu, Taijutsu and Ninjutsu, learn how the skill is done and then copy it to be used later. This form can also initiate the Mangekyou "Kaleidoscope" form.
Sharingan - Uchiha Itachi Mangekyou (Kaleidoscope) Form
This is the rare Mangekyou (Kaleidoscope) form which is said to only appear in a few Uchiha members. Uchiha Itachi was able to finally master this form during the period he killed his clan. In this form Itachi is able to use the Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi Doujutsu techniques.
Sharingan - Hatake Kakashi Mangekyou (Kaleidoscope) Form
This Mangekyou Sharingan form was revealed by non-Uchiha clan member Hatake Kakashi. Whether this form is due to Kakashi or some inheritance from what Uchiha Obito was capable of is unknown. Using the eye, Kakashi can use a technique which appears to collapse space in around a focus point and transport it to another location.
Sharingan - Uchiha Madara Mangekyou (Kaleidoscope) Form
This Mangekyou Sharingan form was attained by Uchiha Madara. After developing the Sharingan, Madara and his younger brother trained against one another and eventually awakened their own version of the Mangekyou. The use of these eyes increased the brothers' strength and allowed them to take over leadership of the clan. Unfortunately the usage of the eyes lead Madara to lose his vision.
Sharingan - Uchiha Izuna's Mangekyou (Kaleidoscope) Form
This Mangekyou Sharingan form was attained by Uchiha Madara's younger brother Izuna. After developing the Sharingan, both brothers trained against one another and eventually awakened their own version of the Mangekyou. The use of these eyes increased the brothers' strength and allowed them to take over leadership of the clan.
Sharingan - Uchiha Madara's Eternal Mangekyou (Kaleidoscope) Form
Unable to accept being blind, Madara did everything he could to regain his vision. A desperate Madara eventually removed his brother's eyes to use as his own. As a result, Madara awakened a new more powerful set of eyes which allowed him to see the light once again. This new eye form would combine the look of both he and his brother's Mangekyou Sharingan.
Sharingan - Uchiha Sasuke's Mangekyou (Kaleidoscope) Form
Itachi sought to protect his younger brother from Uchiha Madara. To that end he used a jutsu to implant his Mangekyou and its techniques into Sasuke. When Sasuke's Mangekyou was initially activated, it resembled the version seen in Itachi, due to Itachi's sealing of Amaterasu into Sasuke's eye as a defense mechanism. Later Sasuke's Mangekyou took on its own look. Even though it bore a new shape, Sasuke was still able to utilize Amaterasu.
Uchiha Techniques
Sharingan - Copying Wheel Eye (Uchiha Clan)
Sharingan Eye Character Use: Uchiha Clan, Hatake Kakashi, Danzou
Rank: -
Range: -
Type: Supplementary
Sharingan Eye
Sharingan is the blood inheritance limit of the Uchiha Clan. The Uchiha are said to be descendants of the Hyuuga, with the Byakugan changing into the Sharingan over time. This doujutsu (eye skill) gives one the ability to read Genjutsu, Taijutsu and Ninjutsu and then defeat it. As such, the clan member can view a technique being performed and almost instantly memorize the movements required to be able to complete it, including the needed chakra moldings and seals used. However the clan member cannot copy techniques that are unique to another bloodline and the clan member must have a body capable of meeting the chakra and physical requirements to do the jutsu. This rarely stops the clan member though, as such stressful situations often push their limits farther and allow them to harness their full potential.
The Uchiha clan member is not granted the Sharingan at birth; it is only activated later in life, typically during a time of emotional stress in the heat of battle. The Sharingan itself can be transferred to another non-Uchiha by a medical ninja, such as happened with Leaf ninja Uchiha Obito to his teammate Hatake Kakashi. Because his body was not born to carry the Sharingan, the eye is always activated and it burns Kakashi's chakra when used. To lessen the impact of the Sharingan on Kakashi's body, he normally keeps the eye hidden and out of use. Also of note, is the fact Kakashi, a non-Uchiha, was able to advance the Sharingan from two tomoe to three tomoe after gaining the eye.
The Sharingan itself contains three tomoe (comma). A higher mastery of the Sharingan can be seen in the creation of a new tomoe in the eye, with three tomoe being the typical highest form of the eye. The rare Mangekyou form is a unique evolution of the Sharingan beyond the three tomoe form, please see its entry for more information. An eye possessing two tomoe can allow the Uchiha clan member to track the movement of an opponent and do some minor copying of an opponents attack. For avoiding incoming attacks, the Uchiha's speed and agility will greatly control whether they can move to avoid it. However, three tomoe will greatly help in this area.
Two tomoe will also allow the ninja to pierce Genjutsu and see the surrounding reality for what it really is. It can also allow the member to pierce another’s body and see their chakra. While the eye is not refined enough to see the tenketsu and chakra circulatory system like the Byakugan, it can view the movement and flow of chakra. This can help them tell if a person is trapped in a Genjutsu, or if an attacker is a real threat or merely a bunshin.
An eye containing three tomoe will allow the ninja to see the image of an attacker’s next move from the slightest muscle tension in their body. This prevents wasteful movement and allows the Uchiha clan member to conserve much needed chakra in battle. It allows them to synchronize their movement to strike at an area moments before their opponent is even in that spot, essentially allowing them to strike out and hit their opponent before they're even there.
Three tomoe also grants the Uchiha the ability to do Genjutsu and hypnosis after locking eyes with an enemy. This can be used to cause their opponent to do an attack of the Uchiha's choosing. This hypnosis can also be used as a Genjutsu counter, which is the ability to turn a Genjutsu spell back upon the original caster without the requirement of forming any handseals.
Mangekyou Sharingan - Kaleidoscope Copying Wheel Eye (Uchiha Clan)
Mangekyou Sharingan Eye Character Use: Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Sasuke, Hatake Kakashi, Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Izuna
Rank: -
Range: -
Type: Supplementary
Mangekyou Sharingan Eye
Sharingan is the blood inheritance limit of the Uchiha Clan. The Mangekyou Sharingan is a legendary doujutsu ability which has only emerged in a few clan members in its history. There is still mystery surrounding the eye and the Uchiha clan itself. Each user develops their own unique looking Mangekyou. The requirements for gaining the Mangekyou are very controversial in nature. After Uchiha Itachi murdered his best friend Shisui he gained Mangekyou. He told his younger brother Sasuke that to gain the Mangekyou, he too would have to kill his closest friend. Itachi told Sasuke that a scroll in their clan shrine revealed the true original purpose of the clan doujutsu. This scroll and Itachi himself revealed that the former leader of their clan, Uchiha Madara and his younger brother Izuna were the first to obtain Mangekyou. Madara himself did this by killing his friend, it's assumed Izuna also killed a close comrade.
Usage of the Mangekyou techniques drains quite a bit of a user’s chakra, more so than any other normal technique. Also as a result of Mangekyou usage, the bearer will slowly lose their vision. Madara lost his vision before his brother and sought to regain his power. To do so he removed Izuna's eyes and made them his own. With these new eyes, his Mangekyou took on a combined appearance of his original Mangekyou and Izuna's. These "Eternal" Mangekyou eyes returned his vision and gave him unbelievable strength. With this strength it was said Madara used Sharingan's normal ability to supress the Kyuubi and tame it.
Itachi originally told Sasuke that if he gained the Mangekyou, then there would be three people who could handle it. After the time skip in the series, Hatake Kakashi revealed he too had gained Mangekyou Sharingan. Later it was revealed that Uchiha Madara himself was still alive, and was the "third" user in Itachi's statement. What part, if any, that Kakashi and Uchiha Obito's eye plays has yet to be determined.
Itachi's three named Mangekyou techniques are Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi and Susanoo, all mythological deities. Kakashi's Mangekyou technique is named Kamui.
The Amaterasu or Goddess of the Sun technique is generated by the right Mangekyou eye. It is a Ninjutsu technique which uses the Mangekyou form to create a powerful black fire which can burn through most anything. As it has been said that anything within the Mangekyou's vision will burn to ash if consumed by the fire. The fire itself is said to burn for 7 days and 7 nights. The fire is also regarded as the strongest of Mangekyou's physical attacks.
The Tsukuyomi or God of the Moon technique is generated by the left Mangekyou eye. It is a Genjutsu technique which uses the Mangekyou form to initiate a mentally and physically harmful illusion. To utilize the illusion, the clan member will look into the eyes of his opponent and cast a Genjutsu spell on them. The spell takes place in the mind of the one affected, while the jutsu is cast the one it was cast upon is at the total mercy of the Uchiha clan member. The clan member has full control over space and time in the jutsu and can place the one affected through any hell they desire for any length desired. The technique itself only lasts for but a second in reality, but the one affected could have lasted through several days of pain. It is said only a natural born member of the Uchiha Clan can defeat it, this may mean either an Uchiha also holding the Mangekyou or one fully skilled in the three tomoe Sharingan form.
The Susanoo or God of the Sea and Storms technique is generated by both Mangekyou eyes. It is a technique which uses the Mangekyou form to create a sword wielding specter which will surround the user. This specter wields a shield for defense and a blade known as the Totsuka Sword. Anyone or anything cut by the blade will be sealed away into a Genjutsu of blissful oblivion until the end of time.
The Kamui or God's Majesty technique is used by Hatake Kakashi. With this technique, Kakashi forms a handseal to activate the Sharingan in his left eye and change it into his Mangekyou form. Kakashi then focuses on a point on the body of his target. The area around the target will then begin to warp and collapse in on itself, resulting in that area being quickly "sucked" out of existence and transported to another location.
Amaterasu - Goddess of the Sun
Amaterasu Character Use: Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Sasuke
Rank: -
Note: Special Bloodline Technique
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Attack
Amaterasu, named for the Goddess of the Sun, is a Ninjutsu technique which uses the Mangekyou form of the Sharingan eye to create a powerful black fire. This jutsu is generated by the right Mangekyou eye. It has been said that anything within the Mangekyou's vision will burn to ash if consumed by the fire. The fire itself is said to burn for 7 days and 7 nights. Because of the amount of chakra needed to use the technique, it can only be used on a very limited basis daily. Though it is regarded as the strongest of Mangekyou's physical attacks, usage of the ability will degrade the eye further and lead the user to blindness.
Kagutsuchi - God of Fire
Kagutsuchi Character Use: Uchiha Sasuke
Rank: -
Note: Special Bloodline Technique
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Attack, Defense
Enton • Kagutsuchi, named for the God of Fire, is a Ninjutsu technique which uses the Mangekyou form of the Sharingan eye to generate a small spiked disk of Amaterasu flames for defense purposes. This jutsu is generated by the right Mangekyou eye.
Tsukuyomi - God of the Moon
Tsukuyomi Character Use: Uchiha Itachi
Rank: -
Special Note: Special Bloodline Technique
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Supplementary
Tsukuyomi, named for the God of the Moon, is a Genjutsu technique which uses the Mangekyou form of the Sharingan eye to generate a powerful illusion. This jutsu is generated by the left Mangekyou eye. This highly advanced technique can not be used extensively because of the toll it places on the user. To utilize the illusion, the clan member will look into the eyes of his opponent and cast a Genjutsu spell on them. The illusion takes place in the mind of the one affected, while under the jutsu the victim is at the total mercy of the user. The user has full control over space and time in the jutsu and can place the one affected through any hell they desire for any length desired. The technique itself only lasts for but a second in reality, but the one affected could have lasted through several days of torture.
It is said only a natural born member of the Uchiha Clan can overcome the illusion. To counter the technique, however, Mangekyou is not required. A highly trained normal Sharingan user can break the illusion, causing the Mangekyou user to experience additional weakness from using it.
Susanoo - God of the Sea and Storms
Susanoo Character Use: Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Sasuke
Rank: -
Note: Special Bloodline Technique
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m), Far (10m+)
Type: Attack, Defense
Susanoo, named for the God of the Sea and Storms, is a technique which uses the Mangekyou form of the Sharingan eye to create a sword wielding spectral form which will surround the user. This jutsu is generated by both Mangekyou eyes. Susanoo will first form around the user as a skeleton. This skeletal form will then generate muscle and armor for battle and wield both a sword and shield.
The sword is formed out of the sake in the gourd it holds, meaning the sword has no true physical form. This legendary weapon, known as Totsuka's Sword and the Sakegari (Sake Cutting) Long Sword, utilizes the main ability of the jutsu. Anyone or anything cut by the blade will be sealed away into a Genjutsu of blissful oblivion until the end of time. It is said the sword is thus the ultimate counter to Orochimaru's Kusanagi Sword. The shield is known as Yata's Mirror. It is said this shield can defend against any attack. Together the sword and shield will make the Susanoo user nearly invincible. Like other Mangekyou techniques, usage of Susanoo will damages the eyes and health of the user.
Kamui - God's Majetsy
Implosion Character Use: Hatake Kakashi
Rank: -
Note: Special Bloodline Technique
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m), Far (10m+)
Type: Attack, Defense
Kamui is a Ninjutsu technique which uses the Mangekyou Sharingan eye to generate an imploding transportation vortex. To begin Kakashi forms a handseal to change his normal three tomoe Sharingan into a new Mangekyou form. He then focuses on an area of his target. The surrounding area will then warp and collapse in on itself, quickly reducing the surrounding area to nothingness. The technique will transport the focused area away to another location. The technique caused a huge strain on Kakashi, utilizing a great deal of chakra. He was able to use the technique twice in succession and then revert back to three tomoe. It is unknown how many times he could use it before total exertion.
Tensha Fuuin • Amaterasu - Transcription Seal • Goddess of the Sun (Heavenly Illumination)
Tensha Fuuin Character Use: Uchiha Itachi
Rank: -
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Supplementary
Tensha Fuuin
Tensha Fuuin • Amaterasu is a Fuuinjutsu technique utilized by Uchiha Itachi. Seeking to protect his brother from Uchiha Madara, Itachi sealed his Amaterasu within his younger brother's left eye. Upon coming into contact with Madara's Sharingan, Sasuke's eye will begin to bleed and activate a Mangekyou resembling Itachi's. This Mangekyou will then unleash Amaterasu's black flames on Madara.
Bunshin Bakuha - Shadow Clone Explosion
Bunshin Bakuha Character Use: Uchiha Itachi
Rank: A
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Attack
Bunshin Bakuha
Bunshin Bakuha is a Ninjutsu technique utilized by Uchiha Itachi. At first glance the clone appears to be a normal Kage Bunshin, but Itachi can detonate the clone at any time to form a very large explosion.
Goukakyuu no Jutsu - Great Fireball Technique
Fire Element Viz Translation: Fire Style ~ Fireball Technique & also as Blaze of Glory
Character Use: Uchiha Sasuke, Yamashiro Aoba, Uchiha Fugaku, Uchiha Obito, Uchiha Itachi, Hatake Kakashi
Rank: C
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Attack
Katon • Goukakyuu no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilzing the Fire Element. The ninja does the necessary hand seals, draws chakra from their mouth into their chest and them immediately exhales it. They then blow a stream of fire which erupts into a large sphere of flames. To better manage the flames the ninja will bring their hand to their mouth to control it.
Katon jutsu such as this are seen as a rite of passage into adulthood for Uchiha clan members. Once the member can manipulate fire, they are finally recognized as no longer being a child.
Housenka no Jutsu - Mythical Fire Phoenix Technique
Fire Element Viz Translation: Fire Style ~ Fireball Technique & also as Blaze of Glory
Character Use: Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Itachi
Rank: C
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Attack
Housenka no Jutsu
Katon • Housenka no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Fire Element. The ninja does the necessary hand seals and then emits a series of small fire balls. The ninja can also hurl a projectile which is covered in these same flames. To the opponent the attack appears to be only the balls of flame, they do not see the hidden threat within the flames. Meaning that even if the flames are put out, the projectiles still converge on the target. The flames can be used to cover different projectiles like shuriken or kunai.
Magen • Kyouten Chiten - Demonic Illusion • Mirror Heaven and Earth Change
Demonic Illusion Character Use: Uchiha Itachi
Rank: -
Note: Special Bloodline Technique
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Supplementary
Demonic Illusion
Magen • Kyouten Chiten is a Genjutsu technique unique to the Uchiha bloodline Sharingan holders. Using the copy and counter functions of the Sharingan eye, the Uchiha clan member can stop the sensory spell cast on their body and reverse it back on their opponent.
Ryuuka no Jutsu - Dragon Fire Technique
Ryuuka no Jutsu Character Use: Jiraiya, Mitarashi Anko, Uchiha Sasuke
Rank: C
Range: Mid (5m ~ 10m)
Type: Attack
Ryuuka no Jutsu
Katon • Ryuuka no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Fire Element. After binding the opponent, the ninja uses a guide wire to unleash a large torrential fire burst onto the target.
Sharingan Soufuusha Sannotachi - Sharingan Windmill Triple Blade
Soufuusha Character Use: Uchiha Sasuke
Rank: C
Range: Mid (5m ~ 10m)
Type: Attack
Sharingan Soufuusha Sannotachi is a Ninjutsu technique utilized by the Uchiha clan. Using the developed vision of the Sharingan eye, the clan member hurls three Windmill Shuriken which have wire attached. While in the air the clan member can manipulate wire to make the blades circle the target, which results in the attached wire binding them.
Utakata - Ephemeral
The Finger Character Use: Uchiha Itachi
Rank: Unknown
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Supplementary
The Result of the Finger
Utakata is a Genjutsu technique utilized by Akatsuki member Uchiha Itachi. Itachi will start this technique by using only one finger on his right hand. His target does not have to look into his eyes, a glance at the hand itself will be enough. Once inside the illusion, he can control the visions the ninja sees. This illusion can also be used to play on the fears of the target, causing them to see and hear those who they care about degrade them.
Uchiha Clan Members
Uchiha Fugaku
Konoha Personal Data
Registration ID: 004086
Birthday: August 16th
Blood Type: AB
Height: 175.3 cm
Weight: 63.1 kg
First Manga Appearance: Chapter 145
First Anime Appearance: Naruto Episode 84
Name Meaning: Uchiha=wa/ha character switch to make "fan"; Fugaku=Unlearned
Hidden Village: Leaf Village
Rank: Jounin
Age: 40
Notable Features: Father of Itachi and Sasuke, Konoha Military Policeman
Current Status: Deceased
See also: Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Mikoto
Personal Stats
Total Stats Unknown
Latent Potential Unknown
Luck Unknown
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Several years previously, Uchiha Sasuke's mother and father lived in Leaf Village. Sasuke's father Fugaku had a hard time understanding the actions and motivations of his son Itachi. Fugaku was never able to come to an understanding with Itachi unfortunately, as one evening Itachi wiped out everyone in his clan, including his parents.
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After Itachi had killed everyone in his clan, Sasuke returned home to find everyone murdered. Itachi told Sasuke he was testing his powers, and then forced Sasuke to relive his parents and his clans murder over and over using the Tsukuyomi technique.
Uchiha Inabi
Konoha First Manga Appearance: Chapter 221
First Anime Appearance: Naruto Episode 129
Name Meaning: Uchiha=wa/ha character switch to make "fan"; Inabi=Possibly short for Inabikari or "flash of lightning"
Hidden Village: Leaf Village
Age: 25
Notable Features: Police Officer, Sharingan User
Current Status: Presumed Deceased
See also: Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Shisui
Personal Stats
Total Stats Unknown
Latent Potential Unknown
Luck Unknown
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Uchiha Inabi was a Konoha Military Policeman from the Uchiha Clan. He and two officers questioned Uchiha Itachi about his whereabouts during the time Uchiha Shisui killed himself.
Uchiha Itachi [Click for Full Biography (Spoilers)]
Konoha Personal Data
Registration ID: 012110
Birthday: June 9th
Blood Type: AB
Height: 178 cm
Weight: 58 kg
First Manga Appearance: Chapter 139
First Anime Appearance: Naruto Episode 80
Name Meaning: Uchiha=wa/ha character switch to make "fan"; Itachi=Weasel
Hidden Village: Leaf Village
Rank: At least Chuunin, but high Jounin level in skill (Missing-Nin)
Age: 21
Signature Abilities: Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi
Notable Features: Sasuke's Older Brother, Wiped out his clan, S-Ranked Criminal.
See also: Hoshigaki Kisame, Uchiha Sasuke
Character Appreciation: Click here to Discuss Itachi
Personal Stats
Total Stats
Latent Potential Unknown
Luck Unknown
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Databook 3 Stats|Data
Advancement Data
Academy Grad Age: 7
Sharingan Activation: 8
Chuunin Exam Age: 10
Missions Completed
D-Rank: 53
C-Rank: 152
B-Rank: 134
A-Rank: 0
S-Rank: 1
A powerful Leaf ninja from the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Itachi wiped out everyone in his clan except for his little brother Sasuke.
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After wiping out his clan, Itachi fled Leaf and joined the Akatsuki Organization. Several years later, Itachi returned with fellow member Hoshigaki Kisame. It was during this period it was revealed Akatsuki was seeking to obtain the Kyuubi demon from inside Naruto for their own ends. After returning to the village and making a play to capture Naruto, the two members fled after facing opposition from Jiraiya.
Uchiha Madara
Konoha Personal Data
Registration ID: -
Birthday: December 24th
Blood Type: ?
Height: ? cm
Weight: ? kg
First Manga Appearance: Chapter 309
First Anime Appearance: NA
Name Meaning: Uchiha=wa/ha character switch to make "fan"; Madara=Spot, blemish, speck, patches
Hidden Village: Leaf Village
Current Status: Unknown
Personal Stats
Total Stats Unknown
Latent Potential Unknown
Luck Unknown
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Uchiha Madara was a highly skilled ninja who lived years previously. He helped lead the Uchiha clan and was one of the founders of Konoha.
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Madara's fame and powerful Sharingan eye chakra was even known to the Kyuubi. Kyuubi regarded this chakra from the cursed bloodline as even more ominous than his own. He would bear witness to this chakra again in the form of Uchiha Sasuke. Madara himself was said to have the ability to control the Bijuu. This ability was apparently similar to the one possessed by Shodai Hokage.
When he was young, Madara and his younger brother competed against each other. Both possessed the Sharingan and attained Mangekyou through their rivalry. With their newfound power, they increased their clan's power and standing. Unfortunately, usage of Mangekyou leads one to blindness and Madara was the first to fall to this side effect. With his eyesight gone, Madara took his brother's eyes in desperation. These new eyes allowed him to see once again and granted him "Eternal" Mangekyou. With these powerful eyes he met representatives of a nearby clan and helped found Konoha. This clan was lead by the man who would become Shodai Hokage. At some point the men had a falling out, and the two did battle at the Valley of the End. It is said the destruction was so great it tore the earth asunder, creating the very valley. Two gigantic statues were later erected on the spot in their honor.
Madara apparently fled, still alive. He would later use his bijuu abilities to secretly direct the Kyuubi to attack Konoha. Kyuubi was stopped and Madara remained underground. The group Akatsuki sought to capture the Bijuu for their own ends. It was revealed that their leader Pain, actually reported to Tobi, one of the new members of the group. There was apparently more to Tobi than meets the eye, as he revealed in an ominous voice that Uchiha's Sasuke's Sharingan was growing powerful. This was something he could recognize with his own Sharingan power, as Uchiha Madara. The exact nature of Tobi and Madara is still unknown.
Uchiha Izuna
Fire Personal Data
Registration ID: -
Birthday: February 10th
Blood Type: O
Height: 174.8 cm
Weight: 55.9 kg
First Manga Appearance: Chapter 386
First Anime Appearance: NA
Name Meaning: Uchiha=wa/ha character switch to make "fan"; Izuna=Name of a sacred mountain
Hidden Village: Leaf Village
Current Status: Deceased
Personal Stats
Total Stats Unknown
Latent Potential Unknown
Luck Unknown
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Izuna was the younger brother of Uchiha Madara. He helped lead the Uchiha clan alongside his brother around 70 years before the series start.
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When they were young, Madara and his younger brother Izuna competed against each other. Both possessed the Sharingan and attained Mangekyou through their rivalry. With their newfound power, they increased their clan's power and standing. Unfortunately, usage of Mangekyou leads one to blindness and Madara was the first to fall to this side effect. With his eyesight gone, Madara took Izuna's eyes in desperation. These new eyes allowed him to see once again and granted him "Eternal" Mangekyou.
Uchiha Mikoto
Konoha Personal Data
Registration ID: 005348
Birthday: June 1st
Blood Type: A
Height: 162.6 cm
Weight: 48.9 kg
First Manga Appearance: Chapter 145
First Anime Appearance: Naruto Episode 84
Name Meaning: Uchiha=wa/ha character switch to make "fan"; Mikoto= Words of a ruler, lord, also a name
Hidden Village: Leaf Village
Rank: Jounin
Age: 35
Notable Features: Mother of Itachi and Sasuke
Current Status: Deceased
See also: Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Fugaku
Personal Stats
Total Stats Unknown
Latent Potential Unknown
Luck Unknown
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Several years previously, Uchiha Sasuke's mother and father lived in Leaf Village. One evening Uchiha Itachi wiped out everyone in his clan, including his parents.
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After Itachi had killed everyone in his clan, Sasuke returned home to find everyone murdered. Itachi told Sasuke he was testing his powers, and then forced Sasuke to relive his parents and his clans murder over and over using the Tsukuyomi technique.
Uchiha Obito
Konoha Personal Data
Registration ID: 010886
Birthday: February 10th
Blood Type: O
Height: 154.2 cm
Weight: 44.5 kg
First Manga Appearance: Chapter 239
First Anime Appearance: NA
Name Meaning: Uchiha=wa/ha character switch to make "fan"; Obito= Neck, also a name
Hidden Village: Leaf Village
Rank: Chuunin
Age: 13
Notable Quote: "Those in the ninja world who break the rules and regulations are called trash... But... Those who don't care about their companions are worse than trash!"
Current Status: Deceased
See also: Hatate Kakashi, Rin, Fourth Hokage
Personal Stats
Total Stats
Latent Potential Unknown
Luck Unknown
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Databook 2 Stats|Data
Advancement Data
Academy Grad Age: 9
Chuunin Exam Age: 11
Sharingan Activation: 13
Missions Completed
D-Rank: 86
C-Rank: 24
B-Rank: 24
A-Rank: 1
S-Rank: 0
In the past Uchiha Obito and Kakashi were teammates under the Fourth Hokage. During a mission in the war against Hidden Rock, Obito was killed. His name was later added to the marker honoring Leaf's fallen heroes.
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Though his friend has passed away, Obito is always in Kakashi's memory. Kakashi often visits the marker honoring Obito and the other fallen ninja to contemplate his place in the world and think about his past mistakes. These trips to visit the marker early in the morning are often why Kakashi is late to arrive at meetings.
Uchiha Sasuke [Click for Full Biography (Spoilers)]
Uchiha Sasuke
Konoha Personal Data
Registration ID: 012606
Birthday: July 23rd
Blood Type: AB
Height: 168 cm
Weight: 52.2 kg
First Manga Appearance: Chapter 3
First Anime Appearance: Naruto Episode 1
Name Meaning: Uchiha=wa/ha character switch to make "fan"; Sasuke= Name of legendary ninja
Hidden Village: Leaf Village
Rank: Genin - Team 7
Age: 16
Jounin Master: Hatake Kakashi
Signature Abilities: Shishi Rendan, Chidori
Notable Features: Number one rookie of his graduating academy class, Finds Sakura's constant affection annoying, Considered very handsome by every girl near his age
Notable Quotes: "I will kill that man."
See also: Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura, Uchiha Itachi, Hatake Kakashi, Orochimaru
Character Appreciation: Click here to Discuss Sasuke
Personal Stats
Total Stats
Latent Potential
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Advancement Data
Academy Grad Age: 12
Full Sharingan: 13
Chuunin Exam Age: -
Missions Completed
D-Rank: 7
C-Rank: 1
B-Rank: 2
A-Rank: 6
S-Rank: 0
A Genin from the village of Konoha, Uchiha Sasuke is one of the last surviving members of the Uchiha clan. This clan is known for the genetic ability to use the Sharigan eye. This eye allows its users to copy any jutsu technique their opponent uses. Sasuke's clan was killed by his older brother Itachi, because of that he has devoted his life to killing his brother.
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Sasuke's clan were wiped out by his older brother Itachi in a test of his own skills, and to help him attain the Mangekyou Sharingan Eye. Since this incident, Sasuke's life has been influenced towards revenge in almost every step he has taken.
When his brother returned to Konoha and mocked him and his development, Sasuke turned even more morose and focused on revenge. Sasuke had sworn to kill his brother and has hesitated to form friendships with anyone around him. This didn't stop Naruto though from viewing Sasuke as a brother. When Sasuke decided to leave Konoha behind and seek more power from Orochimaru, Naruto swore to stop him. The two engaged in combat and though Sasuke wanted to break any bonds they had, he chose not to kill Naruto.
Over the next few years Sasuke enhanced his skills and pestered Orochimaru to train him further. He joined Kabuto and Orochimaru as they moved to new hideouts to avoid detection. Naruto and Sakura never gave up on getting Sasuke to return to Konoha, and they will do anything to get him back...
Uchiha Shisui
Konoha First Manga Appearance: Chapter 222
First Anime Appearance: Naruto Episode 129
Name Meaning: Uchiha=wa/ha character switch to make "fan"; Shisui=Stagnant or still water, also a test drilling
Hidden Village: Leaf Village
Notable Features: Nicknamed "Shunshin no Shisui" (Body-Flicker Shisui), Said to be the most skilled Uchiha clan member
Current Status: Deceased
See also: Uchiha Itachi
Personal Stats
Total Stats Unknown
Latent Potential Unknown
Luck Unknown
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Uchiha Shisui was said to be the most skilled of the Uchiha clan. Several years previously he apparently committed suicide by drowning in the Nakano River. He and Uchiha Itachi were close comrades.
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Shisui possessed the ability to enter into the minds of others and implant false thoughts to control them. This helped him gain a reputation among other villages. At some point Shisui battled with ninja from Hidden Mist. Mist ninja Ao was able to witness Shisui in action during this time.
Some time later, both Itachi and Shisui were to meet at an Uchiha clan meeting, but both men did not arrive. When the Konoha Police Corps found Shisui's body, they began to investigate his death. A suicide note was found with Shisui's body. Though it was in Shisui’s handwriting, anyone utilizing the Sharingan could have copied and mimicked his writing style. In the note Shisui said he was tired of his Uchiha duties and that the clan had no future. The police found it hard to believe Shisui would suddenly give everything up and kill himself, they suspected that Itachi may have been involved. When Itachi was confronted by the police about his whereabouts, he grew angry at their accusations and their doubts so he began to attack the police. Itachi's father reprimanded his son and the matter was considered dropped.
Itachi later wiped out the other members of his clan and told Sasuke he had killed his best friend Shisui to test his capacity and gain the Mangekyou Sharingan. To get this new Sharingan variation, he claimed one had to kill their best friend. At some point after his death, Shisui's remains were taken and used by ANBU Root leader Danzou. Shisui's right arm and eye were implanted into Danzou for his own purposes. When Danzou was later selected for the Sixth Hokage position, he traveled to the Iron Country for a Kage Summit. On the way there he was attacked, so he removed his bandages and used Shisui’s eye and arm to defend himself. Later when Mifune, the Kage Summit moderator, suggested that Danzou lead a Five Great Shinobi Country alliance, the other Kage were surprised. Shaken by the strange feelings, Mizukage entourage member Ao used his Byakugan to look at Danzou. He then revealed to the gathered attendants that Danzou had portions of Shisui in his body.
Uchiha Tekka
Konoha First Manga Appearance: Chapter 221
First Anime Appearance: Naruto Episode 129
Name Meaning: Uchiha=wa/ha character switch to make "fan"; Tekka=A red-hot iron, gunfire, gambling or a violent temper
Hidden Village: Leaf Village
Age: 21
Notable Features: Police Officer, Sharingan User
Current Status: Presumed Deceased
See also: Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Shisui
Personal Stats
Total Stats Unknown
Latent Potential Unknown
Luck Unknown
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Uchiha Tekka was a Military Policeman from the Uchiha Clan. He and two officers questioned Uchiha Itachi about his whereabouts during the time Uchiha Shisui killed himself.
Uchiha Teyaki
Teyaki First Manga Appearance: Chapter 225
First Anime Appearance: Naruto Episode 84
Name Meaning: Uchiha=wa/ha character switch to make "fan"; Teyaki=Homemade
Hidden Village: Leaf Village
Age: 46
Notable Features: Uncle of Itachi and Sasuke
Current Status: Deceased
See also: Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Uruki
Personal Stats
Total Stats Unknown
Latent Potential Unknown
Luck Unknown
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Teyaki was the husband of Uchiha Uruchi. He told a young Sasuke to be proud of his heritage and train hard to become a skilled ninja like his older brother. He perished the night of the Uchiha Clan massacre.
Uchiha Uruchi
Konoha First Manga Appearance: Chapter 225
First Anime Appearance: Naruto Episode 84
Name Meaning: Uchiha=wa/ha character switch to make "fan", Uruchi=A nonglutinous rice
Hidden Village: Leaf Village
Age: 46
Notable Features: Aunt of Itachi and Sasuke
Current Status: Deceased
See also: Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Teyaki
Personal Stats
Total Stats Unknown
Latent Potential Unknown
Luck Unknown
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Uruchi was called "obasan" (aunt) by Uchiha Sasuke. She compared the young Sasuke to his brother Itachi and hoped he would one day grow up to be skilled like him. She perished the night of the Uchiha Clan massacre.
Uchiha Yashiro
Konoha First Manga Appearance: Chapter 221
First Anime Appearance: Naruto Episode 129
Name Meaning: Uchiha=wa/ha character switch to make "fan"; Yashiro=A Shinto shrine, and a name
Hidden Village: Leaf Village
Age: 45
Notable Features: Police Officer, Sharingan User
Current Status: Presumed Deceased
See also: Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Shisui
Personal Stats
Total Stats Unknown
Latent Potential Unknown
Luck Unknown
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Uchiha Yashiro was a Konoha Military Policeman from the Uchiha Clan. He and two officers questioned Uchiha Itachi about his whereabouts during the time Uchiha Shisui killed himself.
Non-Uchiha Sharingan Users
Konoha Personal Data
Registration ID: 000272
Birthday: January 6th
Blood Type: AB
Height: 170 cm
Weight: 52.7 kg
First Manga Appearance: Chapter 281
First Anime Appearance: Shippuuden Episode 32
Name Meaning: Dan=Group, steps zou=Storehouse, hide, possess
Hidden Village: Leaf Village
Rank: Unknown (Probable Jounin)
Age: 72
Notable Features: Bandages over his right eye
See also: Sai
Personal Stats
Total Stats Unknown
Latent Potential Unknown
Luck Unknown
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Databook 3 Stats|Data
Advancement Data
Academy Grad Age: ?
Chuunin Exam Age: ?
Missions Completed
D-Rank: ?
C-Rank: ?
B-Rank: ?
A-Rank: ?
S-Rank: ?
An elder ninja of Konoha, Danzou was a war hawk who operated in opposition to Sandaime Hokage. Within the ANBU corps, he created and led the training division known as "Ne" or Root, which was detached from the main ANBU. The Root group was disbanded and he lost his position. He still is a power player though, with his own influence within the village.
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Some years before the series start, Hidden Rain was experiencing internal strife. Danzou aligned himself with Rain leader Hanzou in an attempt to put down the Rain ninja seeking peace. Some years later Danzou and the Leaf elders attempted to put down the Uchiha insurrection by directing Itachi to wipe out his clan. At some point around this time, Danzou had surgery performed on his damaged body, which granted him a Sharingan in his right eye. The exact nature of this surgery is unknown, but apparently Orochimaru had some part in it.
Some years later Danzou used his influence to get his operative Sai onto the team heading to Hidden Grass to meet Sasori's spy. Sai acted against Danzou's orders but Danzou directed the young man to remain in Team 7 and continue watching Naruto. When Pain attacked the village, Danzou moved to prevent Naruto from returning and falling in the hands of Akatsuki. Naruto eventually returned and defeated Pain. In the aftermath, Tsunade fell into a coma from healing so many injured villagers. When the Fire Daimyou called for suggestions on who should be the new Hokage, Danzou scoffed at the notion that Hatake Kakashi was fit for the job. He suggested he alone was suited for the position. The Daimyou agreed and Danzou became acting Hokage pending approval from the Jounin of the village.
With his new position as Hokage, Danzou directed Root to pull back on some of their operations, all to minimize his chances of losing Jounin support. He then traveled with two Root members to attend the Kage summit called by the Raikage. On the way to the summit, Danzou was attacked by remnants of the Hannya clan, who Root had nearly wiped out in the past. Danzou used the opportunity to test his skills, revealing his Sharingan eye. He quickly wiped out the attackers and went to the summit. There he revealed that Uchiha Madara was probably directing Akatsuki. When Mifune, the summit moderator, suggested that an alliance between the Five Great Shinobi Villages was needed, he suggested Konoha and Danzou take command, as they were the sole village left with a Jinchuuriki. This suggestion was agreeable to the always scheming Danzou.
Hatake Kakashi [Click for Full Biography (Spoilers)]
Hatake Kakashi
Leaf Personal Data
Registration ID: 009720
Birthday: September 15th
Blood Type: O
Height: 181 cm
Weight: 67.5 kg
First Manga Appearance: Chapter 3
First Anime Appearance: Naruto Episode 3
Name meaning: "Dry field, Scarecrow"
Hidden Village: Leaf Village
Rank: Jounin
Age: 30
Notable Features: Chronically late for meetings, Hides left eye under his forehead protector
Notable Quotes: "Sorry I'm late, I got lost on the road of life."
Character Appreciation: Click here to Discuss Kakashi
Personal Stats
Total Stats
Latent Potential
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Databook 3 Stats|Data
Advancement Data
Academy Grad Age: 5
Chuunin Exam Age: 6
Missions Completed
D-Rank: 197
C-Rank: 190
B-Rank: 414
A-Rank: 298
S-Rank: 42
A Jounin master, he is the leader of Team 7 (Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, Haruno Sakura). Although he appears aloof and disinterested, Kakashi is a highly skilled ninja known for the ability to utilize over a thousand jutsu.
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Though he is not a member of the Uchiha clan, Kakashi holds a Sharingan eye in his left eye. Kakashi received this eye as a gift from his dying teammate Uchiha Obito. Using this eye has gained him the nick name "Copy Ninja Kakashi." With the eye, he has copied over a thousand jutsu.
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Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Hints & Cheats
Game Guide
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Game Guide
Don't trip if you've been getting busted up by the Ballas. Peep this guide to Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas for everything you need to get through the 'hoods of Los Santos, San Fierro, and Las Venturas.
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GTA: San Andreas Cheat Codes
Cheat Codes
Enter these during gameplay without pausing:
Cheat Effect
R1, R2, L1 , X, Left , Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up $250,000, full health and armor (also repairs cars if you are in one)
RIGHT, R2, UP, UP, R2, CIRCLE, SQUARE, R2, L1, RIGHT, DOWN, L1 Aggressive Drivers
R2, Circle, R1, L2, Left R1, L1, R2, L2 Aggressive Traffic
L1, Circle, Triangle, L1, L1, Square, L2, Up, Down, Left All Pedestrians Are Elvis
up,x,triangle,x,triangle,x,square,R2,right all taxis get nitro + jump up when you press L3
L2, RIGHT, L1, UP, X, L1, L2, R2, R1, L1, L1, L1 All Traffic is Junk Cars
Right, R1, Up, L2, L2, Left, R1, L1, R1, R1 All Traffic Lights Stay Green
Triangle, L1, Triangle, R2, Square, L1, L1 All Vehicles Invisible (Except Motorcycles)
SQUARE, L1, R1, RIGHT, X, UP, L1, LEFT, LEFT always midnight (time stuck at 00:00)
x,x,square,r1,l1,x,down,left,x andrenaline mode
L1, L2, L2, Up, Down, Down, Up, R1, R2, R2 Any vehicle you punch this in, can blow up anything like a tank.
SQUARE, RIGHT, SQUARE, SQUARE, L2, X, TRIANGLE, X, TRIANGLE Attracts Prostitutes with Sex Toys/Gimp Suit
Circle, L2, Up, R1, Left, X, R1, L1, Left, Circle Black Traffic
Square, R2, Down, Down, Left, Down, Left, Left, L2, X Cars Float Away When Hit
square, down, L2, up, L1, circle, up, x, left Cars Fly
Right, R2, Circle, R1, L2, Square, R1, R2 Cars on Water
L2, RIGHT, L1, TRIANGLE, RIGHT, RIGHT, R1, L1, RIGHT, L1, L1, L1 Chaos mode
Triangle, Triangle, L1, Square, Square, Circle, Square, Down, Circle Civilians are fast food workers & clowns, CJ is a clown, cars are pizza scooter, BF Injection, HotKnife, Tug, Quad, etc.
Right, L2, Down, R1, Left, Left, R1, L1, L2, L1 Commit Suicide
R2, L2, R1, L1, L2, R2, Square, Triangle, Circle, Triangle, L2, L1 Destroy Cars
Up, Up, Down, Down, Square, Circle, L1, R1, Triangle, Down. Everyone bikini babes, all cars beach cars, Cj in shorts and flipflops.
Right, R1, Up, L2, L2, Left, R1, L1, R1, R1 Spawn Faster Cars
Circle, Circle, L1, Square, L1, Square, Square, Square, L1, Triangle, O, Triangle Faster Clock
Triangle, Up, Right, Down, L2, L1, Square Faster Gameplay
R2, Circle, Up, L1, Right, R1, Right, Up, Square, Triangle Flying Boats
R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, X Fog
up, up, square, L2, right, x, R1, down, R2, circle Full Weapon Aiming Whilst Driving
Left, Right, Right, Right, Left, X, Down, Up, Square, Right Gang members spawn much faster
Circle, Right, Circle, Right, Left, Square, X Down Gives you an automatic six star wanted level
DOWN, SQUARE, X, LEFT, R1, R2, LEFT, DOWN, DOWN, L1, L1, L1 Hitman In all weapon
square,square,R2,left,up,square,R2,X,X,X Improve Suspension
up, L1, R1, up, right, up, x, L2, x, L1 Increase car speed
L1, R1, SQUARE, R1, LEFT, R2, R1, LEFT, SQUARE, DOWN, L1, L1 Inf Ammo
Down, X, Right, Left, Right, R1, Right, Down, Up, Triangle Infinite health, still hurt from explosions, drowning, and falling.
Down, Left, L1, Down, Down, R2, Down, L2, Down Infinite Lung Capacity
Left, Right, L1, L2, R1, R2, Up, Down, Left, Right Jetpack
Up, Up, Triangle, Triangle, Up, Up, Left, Right, Square, R2, R2 Jump 10 times higher
Triangle, Square, Circle, Circle, Square, Circle, Circle, L1, L2, L2, R1, R2. Jump 100 feet in air on bike
CIRCLE, RIGHT, CIRCLE, RIGHT, LEFT, SQUARE, TRIANGLE, UP Locks wanted level at however many stars you have. They will NEVER increase or decrease, not even with bribes/cheats. Still get attacked in impound.
R1, R1, Circle, R2, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down Lower Wanted Level
SQUARE, L2, X, R1, L2, L2, LEFT, R1, RIGHT, L1, L1, L1 Max All Vehicle stats (Driving, Flying Bike, Cycling)
Triangle, Up ,Up, Left, Right, Square, Circle, Down Max Fat
triangle,up,up,left,right,square,circle,left Max Muscle
L1, R1, TRIANGLE, DOWN, R2, X, L1, UP, L2, L2, L1, L1 Max Respect
R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Square Morning
SQUARE, L2, R1, TRIANGLE, UP, SQUARE, L2, UP, X Never become hungry
R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Triangle Night
L2, Up, R1, R1, Left, R1, R1, R2, Right, Down No citizens or cops, only gang members having gun fights
X, Down, Up, R2, Down, Triangle, L1, Triangle, Left No Peds, Hardly any traffic, Parked cars still spawn
R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Down Noon
Left, Left, L2, R1, Right, Square, Square, L1, L2, X Orange Sky
R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Square Overcast
Down, Up, Up, Up, X, R2, R1, L2, L2 Pedestrian Attack (cannot be turned off)
Down, Left, Up, Left, X, R2, R1, L2, L1 Pedestrian Riot (cannot be turned off)
R2, R1, X, Triangle, X, Triangle, Up, Down Pedestrians have weapons
X, L1, UP, SQUARE, DOWN, X, L2, TRIANGLE, DOWN, R1, L1, L1 Peds Attack (Guns)
X X Down R2 L2 O R1 O Square Peds become asian dudes with Katana's. Mostly black cars and motorcycles patrol the streets.
Triangle, R1, R1, Left, R1, L1, R2, L1 Insane Handling
Circle, L1, Down, L2, Left, X, R1, L1, Right, Circle Pink Traffic
Right, L2, L2, Down, L2, Up, Up, L2, R2 Prostitutes pay you instead of you paying them
R1, R1, Circle, R2, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left Raise Wanted Level
DOWN, SQUARE, UP, R2, R2, UP, RIGHT, RIGHT, UP Recruit Anyone (9mm)
R2, R2, R2, X, L2, L1, R2, L1, DOWN, X Recruits Anyone (w/Rockets)
Up, Down, L1, L1, L2, L2, L1, L2, R1, R2 Sand Storm
Triangle, Up ,Up, Left, Right, Square, Circle, Right Skinny
Triangle, Up, Right, Down, Square, R2, R1 Slower Gameplay
Right, Up, R1, R1, R1, Down, Triangle, Triangle, X, Circle, L1, L1 Spawn a Monster
Left, Right, L1, L2, R1, R2, R2, Up, Down, Right, L1 spawn a parachute
Circle, Circle, L1, Circle, Circle, Circle, L1, L2, R1, Triangle, Circle, Triangle Spawn A Rhino
R2, Up, L2, Left, Left, R1, L1, Circle, Right Spawn a Stretch
Down, R1, Circle, L2, L2, X, R1, L1, Left, Left Spawn Bloodring Banger
Circle, L1, Up, R1, L2, X, R1, L1, Circle, X Spawn Caddy
R2, L1, L1, RIGHT, RIGHT, UP, UP, X, L1, LEFT spawn dozer
R1, circle, R2, Right, L1, L2, X (2), Square, R1 Spawn Hotring Racer #1
R2, L1, Circle, Right, L1, R1, Right, Up, circle, R2 Spawn Hotring Racer #2
CIRCLE, X, L1, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, L1, CIRCLE, R1, R2, L2, L1, L1 Spawn Hunter
Up, Right, Right, L1, Right, Up, Square, L2 Spawn Rancher
R1, UP, LEFT, RIGHT, R2, UP, RIGHT, SQUARE, RIGHT, L2, L1, L1 Spawn Tanker
Triangle, Triangle, Square, Circle, X, L1, L1, Down, Up Spawns Hydra
Left, Left, Down, Down, Up, Up, Square, Circle, Triangle, R1, R2 Spawns Quadbike
Triangle, Triangle, Square, Circle, X, L1, L2, Down, Down Spawns Vortex
R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Circle Storm
Circle, Up, L1, L2, Down, R1, L1, L1, Left, Left, X, Triangle. Stuntplane
Up, Left, X, Triangle, R1, Circle, Circle, Circle, L2 Super Punch
TRIANGLE, LEFT, SQUARE, R2, UP, L2, DOWN, L1, X, L1, L1, L1 Traffic is Country Vehicles
L1 L1 R1 R1 L2 L1 R2 Down Left Up Turns All Vehicles Into Country Vehicles
Down, R2, Down, R1, L2, Left, R1, L1, Left, Right Unlock Romero
Circle, R1, Circle, R1, Left, Left, R1, L1, Circle, Right Unlock Trashmaster
R1, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up Weapons 1
R1, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Down, Left Weapons 2
R1, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left , Down, Down, Down Weapons 3
L2, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, SQUARE, LEFT, R2, SQUARE, X, R1, L1, L1 Weather Cloudy
X, Square, Down, X, Square, Up, R1, R1 Calls the nearest ped to get in your car or get on your bike. Only gives a confirmation message if you're in a vehicle and there's a ped nearby.
GTA: San Andreas Unlockables
Mission Rewards
Unlockable How to Unlock
Fireproof CJ Complete all 12 levels of the Firetruck missions
Increase Maximum Health to 150 Complete all 12 levels in the Ambulance mission
Entertaining prositutes earns you money (instead of taking it away) Complete level 10 of the pimping missions
Nitro boosts on all Taxis and Cabbies Complete 50 fares
Get RS Haul as an asset property Complete level 8 of the trucking missions
Maximum Armor Boosted to 150 Complete level 12 of the vigilante missions
Tec 9, AK47, Sawed-off Shotgun and Molotov delivered to CJ's house in Los Santos Cover all 100 tags
Sniper Rifle, Micro SMG, Shotgun, and Grenades delivered to San Fierro garage. All 50 Snapshots Taken
Get Hunter Quarry Asset and Quarry Mission Time-Trials Complete all 7 Quarry Missions
Flamethrower, Minigun, Rocket Launcher, Homing Rocket Launcher delivered to Mike Toreno's cabin Beat all of Mike Toreno's missions.
Grove Street Families gang members carry Desert Eagles and SMGs Cover all 100 tags in Los Santos
$1,000,000 Get first place in all races at the 4 racing locations across San Andreas (marked with a checkered flag on the map/radar).
Unlockable Vehicles
Unlockable How to Unlock
HotKnife Get all gold awards in driving school
Super GT Get all bronze awards in driving school
FCR-900 Get all silver awards in bike school
NRG-500 Get all gold awards at Bike School
Monster Car Win it by beating 8-track
Hunter Get all gold awards in pilot school to spawn one at Verdant Meadows Airstrip
Bullet Get all silver awards in driving school
Freeway Get all bronze awards in bike school
JetMax Get all gold awards in boat school
Marquis Get all bronze awards in boat school
Squallo Get all silver awards in boat school
Rustler Get all bronze awards in pilot school
Stunt Plane Get all silver awards in pilot school
Dune Beat the score of 25 at the Dirt Ring
Bloodring Banger Get your total time up to 1 minute in the Bloodring
Jet Pack Complete the airstrip asset near Las Venturas
Hydra Beat the mission, "Vertical Bird" and it will spawn at your airstrip
Hotring Racer Get first place in 8 - Track
BF Injection Place 1st in the Dirt Ring race at the stadium in Las Venturas.
Hydra and Rhino at CJ's house Complete the game 100 percent to have the Hydra Jet and Rhino Tank spawn outside CJ's house on Grove Street.
Monster Collect 5 vehicles for the Import/Export dock
Windsor Collect 10 vehicles for the Import/Export dock
Bandito Collect 15 vehicles for the Import/Export dock
Turismo Collect 20 vehicles for the Import/Export dock
Vortex Collect 25 vehicles for the Import/Export dock
Bullet Collect 30 vehicles for the Import/Export dock
Leviathan Complete the mission "Up, Up, and Away" and the Leviathan will spawn at your airstrip.
Hovercraft Beat the story missions
BP Savanna Steal it from Cesar after the High Stakes Low Rider mission
BP Tahoma Steal it after the House Party mission
Indestructible Walton Steal it during the Madd Dogg mission
Mothership Steal it during the Are You Going To San Fierro mission
SWAT tank Steal it during the End Of The Line mission
Police Maverick Unlock the desert and it will spawn on top of the Los Santos Police Station
Unlockable How to Unlock
Increase Lung capacity and Sex Appeal Find all 50 Oysters
Increase Luck Find all 50 Horseshoes in Las Venturas
SMG, Combat shotgun, M4, and Satchel Charges delivered to Four Dragons Casino Find all 50 horseshoes
Unlockable Outfits
Unlockable How to Unlock
Pimp Outfit Get your relationship to 100 percent with Denise Robinson
Medic Outfit Get your relationship to 100 percent with Katie Zhan
Racing Outfit Get your relationship to 100 percent with Michelle
Police Outfit Get your relationship to 100 percent with Barbara
Overalls Outfit Get your relationship to 100 percent with Helena
Gimp Suit Complete the mission "The Key to her Heart"
Croupier Outfit Complete the mission "Breaking the bank at Caliqula's"
Valet Outfit Complete the mission "555 We Tip"
Dating Perks
Unlockable How to Unlock
Keep weapons after being wasted Date Katie
Keep weapons after being busted Date Barbara
Free car respray at Michelle's house Date Michelle
Molotov Cocktails, Pistol, Flame Thrower and Chainsaw Date Helena and the weapons will spawn in the shed
100% Game Completion Bonuses
Unlockable How to Unlock
Stats and cash boost. Rhino and Hydra delivered to CJ's house in Grove Street 100% Game Completion
Infinte ammo (Total ammo will raise if you shoot your selected weapon, but will reset back to its original number) 100% Game Completion
Dual wield weapons
Unlockable How to Unlock
Dual Pistols Reach hitman level with pistols
Dual Sawed-Off shotguns Reach hitman level with Sawed-Off shotguns
Dual Machine Pistols Reach hitman level with Machine pistols
Dual Tec 9s Reach hitman level with Tec 9s
Unlockable Assets
Complete the requirments to get money made at that location.
Unlockable How to Unlock
Valet Parking Asset (San Fierro) Complete Level 5 of the Valet Parking
Wang Cars Asset (San Fierro) Complete the missions to get the cars (Located at your main Garage)
Zeros RC Shop Asset Complete all Zero's missions
Roboi's Food Mart Asset Complete the 4 levels of deliveries in Los Santos.
Burger Shot Asset Complete the 4 levels of deliveries in Redsands East, Las Venturas.
Airstrip Asset Complete all of Toreno's Missions at the Abandoned Airstrip
Hippy Shopper as an asset Beat the 4 level couriers mission in San Fierro
The Johnson House Take over your first territories at the end of Los Santos
Quarry Asset Complete all Quarry missions
Truck Stop Asset Complete all trucking missions
Cars obtained through dating girls
Date any of these girls and get your relationship to 50% and you will get the keys to their car.
Unlockable How to Unlock
Green hustler Date Denise
Romero Date Katie
Ranger Date Barbara
Monster Truck Date Michelle
Club Date Millie
Bandito Date Helena
50K and Free Train Rides
Complete 10 (or level 2) of the freight missions to unlock a free train ride and 50K.
Unlockable How to Unlock
50K and train rides complete freight Missions
Infinite sprint
Complete "Burglary" by having C.J. steal $10,000 worth of stuff.
Unlockable How to Unlock
Infinite Sprint Complete "Burglary"
GTA: San Andreas Easter Eggs
Idle Screensaver
Do not move CJ for 2-3 minutes. The display will be removed and the camera will start to follow and zoom into any activity going on (ie. Pursuits, fights, people talking).
Change the size of the moon
Shoot the moon with the sniper rifle and it will grow until it reaches a certain size when he will shrink when you shoot it again.
Civilian Lemmings
Go to the gym in Las Venturas, and through the bomb garage next to it. Stand in that alley and look at the building across the street to your right -- and you'll see people jumping and walking off the roof. It will only happen if you stand in that alley and watch it from there. It's pretty much a Lemmings Easter Egg since Rockstar North made Lemmings (the company was known as DMA then)
Funny License Plates
If you import a car at the docks, most but not all cars have plates that differ from normal ones. One says "our fergie", or "disco stu", and a really special one says "ea sucks". Try it out.
Jesus Saves
In Los Santos there is a wall painting with a heart, Mary and an angel on it and it says: Jesus Saves. In GTA 1 and 2 on the buildings where you saved it said the same thing.
Gant bridge easter egg
Get a jetpack and fly to the top of the gant bridge. At the top is a sign saying: "There are no easter eggs up here. Go away."
CJ Sings
If you leave the game on and don't do anything CJ will sing songs heard on the radio. The songs you will most likely hear CJ sing is the songs on your favorite radio station.
GTA: San Andreas Secrets
Sex Toy Weapon
In Los Santos, go inside any police station and go into the shower room. Inside you will find a purple sex toy you can use as a very powerful weapon.
Infinite Photos
First, save your game (with a camera). Now, press L1 to take pictures of any photos you want (save it in your gallery), until you're done photographing. When you are, reset the console. The photos you have taken will still be in your gallery, only you won't have lost any film!
Fast and Easy way to upgrade weapon skills
Take the gun you want to be upgraded and aim it at a tire of any vechicle. Then just keep firing and your skill builds up quick.
Use the Vortex as a Submarine
Use the Vortex between El Quebrados and the abandoned airfield to take the small unique jump ramp that's on the back of the small shack it's parked next to. When you land in the water, the unique jump slow-motion cinema should keep going, with the camera fixed in one spot. Drive way out into the reservoir, and towards the dam, to the left of the camera's view. You'll disappear from view, but keep going. Eventually you'll run into the side of the dam and the cinema will end, leaving you under water and able to steer the Vortex like a submarine, without draining lung capacity or anything, as if you weren't underwater at all.
Chilliad Challenge easy win alternative way
Another way to easily complete every race in the Chilliad Challengeis quite simple, throw a grenade at your opponent(s) and they will be eliminated from the race. Normally, using a weapon will get you disqualified, but using a grenade is fine by the games standards, and this method is a lot less cheap than the other one for this challenge, and works just as effectively.
Get No Stars While Blowing Up Vehicles
In a helicopter you won't get any stars if you use the chaingun for blowing up cars instead of the rockets. Even if they're right behind the guy you're shooting. As long as you don't kill any pedestrians or hit a cop car with a stray bullet.
No Timer on Quarry Mission
On the mission where you have to steal dynamite for a Wuzie mission you normally have a timer but if you go to the center of the construction site there is a grey stage with a person on it and the dynamite plunger right in front of him. If you kill him the timer will stop and you will have all of the time you need to complete this mission.
Easy High Score in the Arcade Game "They Crawled From Uranus"
Once the game starts simply hold the joystick in one direction and the aliens' fire will never hit you. If you fire while doing this you can easily rack up points without ever dying.
Get out of debt trick
To get out of debt, no matter how far you are in, find a Unique Stunt Jump that you haven\'t been rewarded on yet. Hit the jump and you will be rewarded. However, this causes your money counter to reset to all zeroes.
Free ammo without pay purchase
Enter an ammunation shooting range and then press triangle to leave it. Gives full ammo to whatever gun you had equipped.
Get Twice the Amount of Progress With Girlfriends
You have to have two controllers for this trick. When you go to your girlfriend's house you have a choice of either going on a two player free roam or going on a one player date. However, at the end of the one player date the two player icon (usually located by the door) will linger for a few seconds. You have to quickly go into the icon and activate it before it disappears. After that you can either end the free roam quickly or play around it doesn't matter. If your one player date was good and you gained progress you will gain even more progress from the free roam. However, if you had a bad date you lose more progress by activating it.
Infinite Spray Paint
In the earlier Sweet Mission "Tagging up Turf" you receive an infinite spray paint can. Since there is no timer on this mission, you can go around Los Santos with the FAQ tag map and spray all the tags without refilling the paint. Sweet!
Basketball Cheat
If you have a wanted level and start to play basketball, you cannot be injured in any way.
Have your picture taken.
To have a homie take your picture you need a gun and a camera. First Recruit a homie by targeting them with a gun and pressing up on the d-pad.
Then swith from a gun to the camera then walk near your recruited hommie. A message will appear on the screen. It will say to have your picture taken press l1.If you press l1 you will get to take a picture of yourself.
GTA: San Andreas Glitches
Early Bulletproof Savanna
After you finish the 'High Stakes, Low-Rider' Mission, Cesar and his car stay at the finish line, doors locked. You can push the car to the nearest garage and the doors will become unlocked.
Headless CJ
Find a katana, then go into two player mode (by finding a icon that shows two red figures). Have player two chop your character's head off, and then when you go back into one-player mode CJ will have no head, and a nasty little blood effect.
Stop Rival Gangs from taking your Territories
To stop a rival gang from taking your Territories, go to a safe house and save when ever the message "your area is under attack" appears on the screen. This will stop the attack and you get to keep you area. Warning: This may cause permanant negative effects to your game.
Cell Phone Guns
When talking on the cellphone, press Triangle to end the conversation then quickly switch to the tec9, in your hands you will have a cellphone that shoots!
(deactivates when you enter a vehicle)
Super Bike Jump
This requires that you are have a gun that can be used while riding a bicycle. Immediately after you release the jump button (L1), tap circle. You should tap and release fast enough so the gun does not actually fire. You can jump over 2 stories high this way if you time it right.
Mountain Bike Morphing
This glitch is similar to the bike morph glitch in vice city, but it has a limited area that you can use it. In this area you can not fall off the bike, so you can do flips and all other kind of insane stunts. To do this glitch you need:
1: Go to the top of Mount Chiliad
2: Get a Parachute (there’s one by the Journey on top of the Mountain)
3: Get on the mountain bike parked at the top of the mountain to start the mission “The Chiliad Challenge”
4: Use the ramp to the left of the beginning of the mission to fly of the mountain. Jump off in midair and open the parachute.
If done correctly you should now be morphed with the bike (parachute still open) Now you can do insane stunts without falling of your bike.
Wide Screen Mode
To do this go to any airport, and book a flight to anywhere. When you see the plane appear on the runway put in the "destroy all vehicles" cheat. You will die, and be sent to the nearest hospital, but the screen will stay wide screen. Ya know black bars at the top, and bottom of the screen. Note:The only way to get out of the wide screen mode is to book another flight, and either jump out of the plane, continue to the other airport, or do a mission. Also you will not be able to see the map, health, or armor bars, weapon, money, wanted lvl. and you cannot pause, or save the game.
Underworld Gateways
You'll need a jetpack to explore the Underworld.
Gate#1: Go to the sea's cliffs east of Los Venturas near Sobell Rail Yard. Now fly along the ledge near water level. There is a glitchy rock wall that you can pass through in one point. The wall twitches and shakes. When you get in, you may have to fly north a little before it lets you get under fully.
Gate#2: It's in a corner wall of your safehouse in Vinewood, right by the pool. Just walk into the wall at different spots until you find it.
Free paint jobs at Loco Low co. and Wheel Arch Angels
Tired of having the garages take away your beloved paint jobs on your cars? Don't want to spend $500 on a pretty flame paint job? Take your vehicle of choice to the Mod Shops across the state. When you are in the shop, highlight your painting of choice. Now press X and then Triangle VERY Quickly. Your car should have the paint job and you don't have to pay the money. However, this doesn't work with anything else. (colors, spoilers etc.) Also note that this will not fix up your car, and it will still be beat up.
No Traffic
Start a new game and get to the OG Loc missions. At the beach mission, talk to the DJ and respond positively. When she says lets dance, instead of talking to her again just run away and there will be no cars on the road. Save game, so you can do this whenever you want
Some fun things to do with this glitch are to turn on "all people hate you" cheat for zombie style survival horror game, or turn up the wanted level for fastest police chases ever.
Refill Nitro
Whenever your nitro runs out, leave your vechicle and get back in. Your nitro will be replenished and you won't have to wait two minutes for it to refill.
Skip Songs on Radio
You can skip songs on the radio. Change to another station, then change back to the station playing the song you hate. As soon as the text at the top of the screen saying the name of the station turns yellow, before the station starts to play, change the station again. Change back to the original station, and it will have skipped whatever song it was playing.
Reload Instantly
When you need to reload quickly press L2 then R2 or vice versa just before CJ runs out of ammo and you will instantly reload.
Melting Mountain Bike
Get a mountian bike, start to reverse by hold square, while holding it, start to tap X fast.
CJ's 3D frame will bend and stretch in crazy ways.
He'll even look like he's melting into the ground.
Infinite Photos
First you have to be in San Fierro and on the mission "Photo Opportunity". Fail the mission but don't reload. You will then have infinite "ammo" for your camera from then on.
Pay and Spray 2 cars
Go to the pay and spray, then bring one car half way to keep the door from closing and then push it inside with another car. The two cars will be fixed for the price of one.
pay and spray glitch
When you have a wanted level of any number of stars drive your car inside the pay and spray but before the door closes get out of the car. Aim your gun to look ahead and the cops, fbi, even the army will walk right by you even if u attck them while inside the pay and spray they wont see you. To get more cops to enter the area just exit the pay and spray and enter again. When u have grown tired of fighting just enter your car and the pay and spray door will close and then drive away with a clean slate!!!
Give homie your ride
When a homie is with you and you have a 2 seated car or more. Get into the car and hold up just as your homie gets in.
CJ will dismiss him but the homie will stay in the car a few seconds, then start driving away with it. Perfect for riding around in quads thorugh the countryside.
Easy cycling skill
This glitch allows you to upgrade you cycling skill faster. To exploit this glitch you first need to find a bike (no brainer), then you need to find a freight train and wait for it to stop. Do a bunny hop onto the back of the freight train so that you can ride it and stay on the bike. When the train starts to move again the bike will start to slide. At this point press the X button to pedal the bike. The bike should now be floating slightly above the train but will remain in place. You will notice that the wheels of the bike are moving at the some speed as the train even if you let go of the X button. This allows you to get cycling skills faster than with normal bike riding.
Note: CJ and the bike may become invisible while on the train. This is normal and will become visable again once you get off the train.
Transfender glitch
For this you need to have unlocked the transfender modding service. First find a car that you are willing to give up and can be modded by transfender. Take it to transfender go to the modding screen the press triangle to escape. Then before you do anything get out of the car and leave it there. There will be no traffic but if you get into a car traffic will come back, so to make it so you can get into a car you will need to kill yourself. Then you can get in and out of cars and there will be no traffic.
To turn traffic back on simply take your car to transfender goto the modding screen escape the drive your car out.
Continue wearing goggles
If you equip night vision goggles and then play an arcade game, when you quit the arcade game CJ will still be wearing them but the effect will be gone.
Tractor Tow Slingshot
When using a tractor you can pickup other vehicles by lowering the lift using the R stick, you can use this to super slingshot yourself and a semi truck. First obtain a tractor then lower the lift and back up directly into a semi to tow it. Now start driving and swerve a bit from left to right this for some odd reason will launch your tractor and the semi at ludicrous speeds.
Girlfriend bonus glitch
If you have dated any one of the girlfrined who give you a bonus Such as Katie or Barbara and you restart the game you will still have the bonuses they give you even if your not dating them!!
Reveal complete San Andreas map
Simply get in a plane or helicopter, at any stage during the game, and fly outside the games boundaries. Once you reach water, fly towards the end of the map and simply keep going for a few minutues, and eventually the whole map of San Andreas is revealed! This is a very helpful glitch to exploit, as it doesn't affect anything negatively and the map will always be revealed; even after the game is saved!
Create A Fountain
Grab a boat and head out to some deep waters. Grab a satchel and throw it in the water. For some reason the 'splash' of the impact keeps on going so the water keeps spraying up.
Un-hitch trailer from big rigs using camera.
If you have a trailer attached to the Tanker, Line Runner or Road Train, and you no longer want it, get a camera.
Go into the camera's 1st person view by holding R1, then press O. You will hear the trailer un-hitch. You need to be near the truck, and in an area open enough for the trailer to move away from the truck without hitting, or getting caught in a wall or other object.
It's a lot easier than losing the truck trying to jack knife the trailer off.
Ghost Country
Thie glitch removes all peds (and cops if it's done right) and cars from the game. It's great to use to explore the territory. On the mission 'Small town bank' for Catalina, after you grab the bikes, you'll end up at the unique jump spot. Jump it, but miss and fall into the river below (It works if you don't get the slow animation for the jump too, but if you do get it, the cops shouldn't be on the map as well as the peds). After you land in the water, you'll see a floating trooper dead. I don't know why that's there. Swim to Fisher's lagoon and head back to Palomino Creek, were the bank is. Nothing will be there. No cars driving or spawned, and maybe no cops. The alarm at the bank will still be going off, and the only places you will find anyone will be in a store like The Well Stacked Pizza or Ammu-Nation. Entering then exiting those places will not bring back the peds or cars, and the only way to do that is to go and rescue Catalina from the police ambush and take her back to her hideout. However, you can do anything in between the glitch and rescuing her, as she will not be killed by the cops. Just spawn a jetpack or car with a cheat and explore. You can go cover tags and find the oysters and stuff like that without worry that cops or gangs will attack you. Occasionally a parked car will spawn, but they are kinda rare. When you go to rescue Catalina, shoot the surrounding cops with a rifle from far away, and you can pick them off easy, and no other ones will come. I don't know what happens if you die or kill Catalina, so you can try it if you like and tell me about it and I'll correct this.
Keep mask after the burglary missions are done.
Start the burglary missions and park infront of a barber shop. Enter said shop and walk into the red circle to take a seat. Press X to view a haircut and wait until the time expires. Once the mission has ended press triangle and the barber will "put" the mask back on you. Now you may leave the barber shop with the mask on your face. Note: You may not change your clothes or die/ get busted the mask will disappear.
Chillad Challenge Infinite Money Glitch
As soon as the race starts ignore all over cyclists just head straight for the wooden ramp at the end of the mountain top when you get there try and pull the insaniest stunt possible. Just as your about to hit the floor you will respawn where you origanally started and still claim the stunt bonus award.
Weapons other than SMGs w/ two players in a vehicle
First, find a two-player icon either around town or a a girlfriend's house. Now if you have a SMG, then waste the ammo for it. Pick a different weapon, like a shotgun or rifle. When the second person gets in the vehicle, input the weapon code that would give you the weapon you have selected. If done correctly, then the second player should be able to shoot whatever weapon was selected.
Taking Gang Territory: Fish In A Barrel
While trying to take over gang territory, take one of the datable girls with you. Between waves of enemy gang members, if you give your girlfriend a gift or kiss them, the enemy gang members will freeze in place. They won't notice you around them, but if you throw a grenade at them or otherwise threaten them, they'll un-freeze. Grab a rocket launcher or molotov and you can take over territory really easy. Also, this would give you a chance to get the health and armor pickups in the area without being shot at.
Stop enemies from attacking your territories
At any time (until time runs out and they actually take over) get in either a cop car, firetruck, or ambulance and press R3 to start the secondary mission and then press it again to end the mission. This will make it so the attack has stopped, you keep your territory, and it will have no negative effect on your game (unlike the safe house glitch).
Barbara Glitch
If you go pick up Barbara for a date, she might say that you aren't fat enough to take her out. Instead of having to gain weight to be able to take her out, you can grab a car and a fellow gang member. To do this you have to have a Sadler and a Grove St. gang member in the car with you. When you do this, you go pick up Barbara for a date and she assumes you're heavy since the Sadler itself is heavy along with the gang member. You HAVE TO have the gang member with you, or else it will not work.
GTA: San Andreas FAQs & Walk-Throughs
FAQ/Walkthrough FAQ/Walkthrough by glenster 1589K
Other Police Scanner Script by Viogamer 12K
Other Shop FAQ by serabella 389K
FAQ/Walkthrough FAQ/Walkthrough by RARusk 938K
Other Hidden Text FAQ by RARusk 68K
Other Vehicle Speeds FAQ by Dexterity_ 10K
Other Gambling FAQ by Dexterity_ 17K
Other Race Tournaments FAQ by Southern Finest 34K
Other Girlfriend FAQ by twotwotwotwo 80K
Other Armor/Vending Machine/Vendor map by glenster 279K
Other Mission Select Code Guide by PRudoff 25K
Other Property List by Menji 31K
Other Unique Jumps FAQ by YuGiOhFm2002 and YuGiOhAngel 61K
Secrets FAQ Secrets FAQ by The Duff Man 190K
Other Series Storyline Guide by MattVSin 322K
Other Master Save File Guide by Flow_w0lF 88K
Other Bulletproof Car Walkthrough by System Error 183K
Other Hidden Interiors FAQ by The Duff Man 120K
Other The Introduction Script by Klaydoggy 23K
Other Horseshoe Location FAQ by gamefreaksl 19K
Other CSR 103.2 Song Lyrics by VampireHorde 38K
Other Stats FAQ by bamspeedy1298 365K
Other KDST Song Lyrics by tranmerefan 29K
Other Bounce FM Song Lyrics by Tidus_Mr_X 31K
FAQ/Walkthrough FAQ/Walkthrough by Robert Carr 1627K
Other Weapon Guide by ElBombero 57K
Other Game Script by Omah 463K
FAQ/Walkthrough FAQ/Walkthrough by A I e x 534K
FAQ/Walkthrough FAQ/Walkthrough by piecemealcranky 645K
Other Series Story Guide by Canadian Dude 249K
Other Unique Jumps Map by dark52 98K
FAQ/Walkthrough FAQ/Walkthrough by Patt3rson 185K
FAQ/Walkthrough FAQ/Walkthrough by Patt3rson 181K
Other Radio Commercials Script by ituku 75K
Spoiler-Free Walkthrough Spoiler-Free Walkthrough by LordFrieza 811K
FAQ/Walkthrough FAQ/Walkthrough by GTA3 Addict 758K
Other GameShark Interior Codes by WTP129 20K
FAQ/Walkthrough FAQ/Walkthrough by RonHiler 482K
Other Vehicle Mission FAQ by tectactoe 50K
Other Car Database by REDjackeT 388K
Other Horseshoe Location Map by dark52 37K
FAQ/Walkthrough FAQ/Walkthrough by Fjoeri 285K
Other Turf War FAQ by mrsheeps 66K
FAQ/Walkthrough FAQ/Walkthrough by TwistidSoul 474K
FAQ/Walkthrough FAQ/Walkthrough by MasterVG782 504K
Other Territory Glitch Guide by Woezie 51K
FAQ/Walkthrough FAQ/Walkthrough by DROSS 193K
Other 100% Completion Walkthrough by ChiTownBluesFan 266K
FAQ/Walkthrough FAQ/Walkthrough by Casanova973 333K
Other Radio Los Santos Lyrics Guide (Explicit Language) by VampireHorde 77K
Other Special Vehicles FAQ by Southern Finest 19K
FAQ/Walkthrough FAQ/Walkthrough by Tirdun 363K
Other Secrets Map by GamerLady 296K
Other Item/Weapon Location Map by GamerLady 313K
FAQ/Walkthrough FAQ/Walkthrough by AggroSk8er 298K
Other Appearance Guide by E1rond 29K
Other Oyster Locations Map by dark52 86K
Other Snapshots Map by dark52 33K
Other Tag Locations Map by dark52 41K
FAQ/Walkthrough FAQ/Walkthrough by War Doc 601K
Other Liberty City Guide by FreshGMaster 14K
Other Vehicle Location Map by GamerLady 328K
Other Snapshots Guide by YuGiOhFm2002 and YuGiOhAngel 45K
Other WCTR Script by Perant64 65K
Other School FAQ by Southern Finest 43K
Other Car Locations FAQ by Southern Finest 90K
FAQ/Walkthrough FAQ/Walkthrough by LightScribe 102K
Other Vehicle Export/Import List by Nega Elemental 25K
Other Oyster Locations FAQ by YuGiOhFm2002 and YuGiOhAngel 47K
Other Playback FM Song Lyrics by x icicle x 44K
Other Duality Mini-Game Guide by jhaines 8K
Other Car Modification Guide by mastermind73 78K
Other K-Rose Song Lyrics by evilchao2 17K
FAQ/Walkthrough FAQ/Walkthrough by SamuraiRAS 107K
Other Tag Locations Guide by LordFrieza 30K
Other Radio: X Song Lyrics by themanlarry 18K
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